Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dreamisode #1963

Aight so I think I wanna share this dream in light of the upcoming celebreation of Martin Luther King Jr. It won't make sense how this dream is connected to MLK til the end so bare with me.

The dream started off in some Jedi academy where I was training with my light saber along with the rest of the troop. Then the training session ended and we were summoned to hear the departing words of the Master. I wasn't really listening cause I was so eager to get out. Immediately after our release we burst into a childish game of tag, lead by yours truly of course. Off I went as I flew through the air wildly with the rest of the gang chasing me. Soon enough I came to land in this enchanted jungle. Immediately I knew I was somewhere in Africa, I could just feel it. The mood became very quiet. I was definitely in the deepest part of the jungle. As I walked through the trees, an opening appeared and there lie a solitude dwelling. I walked inside and there were 2 women and an infant child (my daughter?). There was somewhat of a tense energy in the air. I proceeded to take the young child in my arms. It was clear that I was not supposed to attempt to leave with that child. Even those that came with me seemed to be against the idea. I thought about fighting my way out but after a long pause I elected not to. I stood there gazing at the child in my arms and that's where the dream ended.

Now you might be wondering what this has to do with MLK. After I woke up I realized that I was "trained" to be able to fight my way out of that situation. Why didn't I?

"Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man." -Gandhi

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dreamisode #2011

Hello there! Your probably not wondering why I haven't posted in a while....good. Cause I don't care to explain.

Anyway, Im a get right to it cause I have been dreaming some BIZARRE dreams and I would love to share.

Ok, so the other day I had this dream about this girl....woman actually. She was so beautiful. The object of my affection....literally. That's how the dream started, she just popped up out of nothing and she's all I could see and feel. Then the scenery grows around her; the background, walls, ambient noises, people and I am slowly distanced from her, now I am more of a passive observer than a potential suitor.

Anyway, this lucky guy gets to leave with her, to my distaste. Then to rub salt in the wound he ends up with her in MY ROOM. WTF?! I know. And yes, you are right about where this is going. So they then proceed to "get it on" while I did some work on my computer. And after what seemed like a minute later, dude gets up and says he has to go. Ummmm ok.

I guess she was still drunk on sex and asked "does anyone else in the room want some?"....well I looked around the room a couple times and was the only one in there so I figured she was talking to me. BUT CHECK IT, this is how lucid my dreams have become. I actually remember thinking to myself "yo I better put on a condom cause I don't know where that dude or this girl has been." LOL! In my dream tho? (IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Even while dreaming its important to have smart sex)

So anyway we ended up making really passionate harmony for what felt like a really long time.

Now heres where it all comes back to reality. I happened to be texting a friend I hadn't talked to in a little while (very beautiful and desirable woman of course). While we were texting I remembered that she was a virgin so I asked how that was going. She said her ex took it...hmmmm. Then I thought back to my dream cause me and her are friends but if she ever said "does anyone else in the room want some?" I would definitely answer the call.

Crazy right?!