Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dreamisode #1

Soooo Im transition from Florida back to the DMV so bare with me on the videos, it may be a while before the next one. Despite that minor setback there will be no shortage of dreams, lol. I will definitely bring you those as much makes sense to. As of today they will be called "Dreamisodes." Enjoy.

Lets get in to it. In the midst of all the other crazy dreams I have been having over the past couple days, last nights really stood out. I dreamed that I was on some type of field trip with some random people (I didn't bother to write down my dream when I woke so some of these details aren't clear). We ended up at some music store that resembled Guitar Center with some open floor format like an art museum. There was one section with an isolated MPC 500 that was so inviting. I started messing around and in a short time started a really dope beat. Then out of NO WHERE some dude starts playing a flute alongside my "drumming." This was all too cool cause 1. I don't even know how to use an MPC and 2. I was keeping a beat while dreaming WTF? These dreams are getting to be too real.

It made me think of this scene from Kanye's film "Runaway" which I will talk more about later. Please check it out if you haven't already it makes for some interesting discussion at the very least.

Friday, October 22, 2010

"Osa" - A Film by Sergio Rivera

Hey folks check out the trailer to a film about yours truly. There isnt much dialog in the trailer but I definitely think it looks interesting. What do you think?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

IStandard Producer Showcase DC

Yup I was definitely in there. Bohemian Canvers hosted the very 1st IStandard Producer Showcase in Northwest Washington, DC.

Got to meet some really talented producers, like Triple ThreatJS and Andrew Hypes to name a few.

I even found time to check out the UP And Up open microphone that was right next door.

I also got the opportunity to meet one of the Judges, a producer named Omen, if you haven't heard of him you have definitely heard some of his music. He was really down to earth and insightful (thanks for ya time man!). Heres a lilt footage from the night's events. I will post more when I get back to Florida.

A Hypes' Production Showcase

King Swagg ends the night in style

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fat Kids.....

How do you feel about childhood obesity? Who is responsible? The parents? Society? Corporate america? The government? Let me know what you think?

Another One of My Dreams...

So in last night's dream, I was with my homeboy in my apartment. We were chillin havin a good time. Suddenly someone(s) started shooting through the window (from a distance) and hit my mans a couple times. No direct hit but a few not so direct misses. We fled out of the house into the woods for cover. My bro was shook up, naturally, and decided he needed to get out of town because he thought it was a plot against him. I saw it more as an unintentional result of a growing amount of dissatisfied youth/population in the area. Something told me not to leave.

I remember still being in the retrospect feels as if I was searching for answers to what was going on. Back at my apartment I found myself chillin with some folks and 1 of them happen to be standing by the window that my homeboy got shot at. There just happen to be beats on deck (Im pretty sure they were mine). Something inspired me to freestyle the story of what happened to man as a a lesson/reminder to this young dude to always stay on his toes and remain in tune with the pulse of the people.

What made it even more was that....after I told him that there just happen to be a bigger cipher going on on the other side of the room and I stepped in to freestyle the same story, slightly different cause it was all freestyle but message still the same.

Man I swear these dreams are getting more....lucid. I can feel all of these things going on like for real. But what do they all mean?

Why was my friend shot at? Why did I stay behind? Does this have anything to do with the meaning of hip-hop and its essence? Am I meant to be some type of messenger? I need a dream interpreter!!!!

Let me know what you think about this.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Either the makers of Propellerhead Reason are flat out bored with their lives or this was some type of mega marketing scheme to promote the recent release of their Reason 5 software. Either way this is one of the best inventions of the 21 century.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Naija Indie Pendy

For those that don't know I am Nigerian, lol. Im happy to be able to say that we are finally celebrating 50 years of "independence." We have come far and still have a long way to go. These are my thoughts on whats to come in the next 50 years. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I was watching this documentary on ancient Mayans and Aztecs and I don't know if that had anything to do with my dream but this dream was WILD! I must share.

The dream started off so heavenly. The most pleasant dream I can imagine. I was in a pool enjoying my family. All peace. It was crazy too cause everything was in like some psychedelic color scheme, trippy. Anyway, after some pool time I think I went for some meditation and spiritual elevation indoors. The place resembled an Mosque and the prayer rituals resembled those of the Islamic faith (the only religion my brain can interpret at that level).

There was prayer and prostration and hymns and all that good stuff to make your spirit wanna sing, then outta nowhere....BAM! A whole gang of muthafuckas bust right in that shit! AK-47s started blastin, bodies droppin left and right, shots blazin, niggas runnin for they fuckin lives! I couldn't believe that shit!!!!! I guess it was some ol' SWAT team ass, anti terrorist ass, punk ass, military ass somethin or the other (lets call them terrorists) sent to find some non-existent weapons of mass destruction in the midst of peace and seclusion (sounds about right). The weird part (if you haven't found this weird enough already) is that I went from actually being IN the dream to witnessing the whole event like from a first person to third person perspective, not really there any more, just watching.

And as if it couldn't get any more freakish, that segment of the dream started over. Yup started over. Same violence, same carnage, same results but this time it was from the perspective of the "terrorsists" (WTF? I KNOW). This time I got to witness what the terrorists were doing minutes before they bust in. The same like in the movies though, they crept up, got word on the radio and did their business. But get this.....this time midway through their carnage some 3RD party military punk ass group comes and kills all them terrorist muthafuckas...AWWW MAN! If I wasn't already sleep I probably would have just fainted.....then I woke up.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wait...Selma Hayek has a sister?

Well weather or not they are related they are both easy on the eyes and Tania Hayek Mercer is all about health. Check her out.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Marijuana....Teach your kids it's not a dirty word.


I recently came across this documentary about marijuana and well lets just say it inspired me to share some thoughts. The movie is called "The Union" and discusses the business behind marijuana, amongst other things. Everything from marijuana as a drug to agricultural hemp being one of the most useful plants on earth, this was a well put together film.

Watching this documentary took me back to my high school days when, in addition to being a pothead, I deemed myself a "weedologist". Those were the days weren't they? I always thought that if I was gonna spend so much time getting high I might as well learn about the substance. It lead me to a lot of research and after a while I found myself asking, "what's so bad about it?" I mean just like anything else it has its ups and downs but really, what's so bad about it? Many people who are against it can't tell you and a rational discussion will leave them with only one defense mechanism..."its illegal." True and so is being in this country without "proper documentation" but millions of people do it anyway.

I just think the issue at hand needs a major re-evaluation (decriminalization for starters). I guess I just don't feel like it's fair that harmless weed smokers can be locked up with "real" criminals. It's also whack that many of us have forgotten how to use the drug for constructive purposes (i.e. meditation/healing). Its gotta have some usefulness right? After all Native Americans used it to find peace (Peace pipes) and EVERYONE loves Bob Marley so I don't even need to go there. It seems though that the real problem is explaining some of these facts to the kids. Its a lot easier to just tell them not to do it cause it's illegal (it's funny how most of them end of doing it anyway at some point or another). Im not sure how I will break it down down to my kids but I'll probably start the convo off with this song:

*Disclaimer: I certainly do not promote the use of weed any1 that hasn't done it before, lol! Enjoy folks. Peace, love and grass juice.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

African Royalty - Fashion @ Its Best

Fashion, style, art, all comes from the motherland. I decided that I am going to make a beat from this.....#INSPIRED













Friday, August 13, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond!

For decades the earth had been "shrinking" due to the fact that we can reach different corners of the planet in a fraction of the time than it took in the previous decade. Well now one company is taking it a step further, outer space. The Virgin Company (as in Virgin Airways, Virgin Games, Virgin Radio, Virgin Mobile, etc.) is now offering trips into to space under the newest company Virgin Galactic. For a meager $200,000 you can secure your seat on a plane ride that reaches heights of 68 miles over the earth's atmosphere.

This might not mean much to the average person but to geeks...uh, folks like me, THIS IS SO INCREDIBLE. Its the next BIG thing in history and 1 more thing I gotta do before I die. The project has been in the works for 5 years and the first real flight date is unknown but check the video to see how close this reality is.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

This is Just Down Right Sexy!!!

The artform....not so much the artist of course. This is art at its best. Enjoy!

For the Spanish speaking impaired here is what he says at the beginning: "greetings, my name is Yancarlos Sanchez and I'm going to play a song entitled 'walking with my friend' with my Kalimba. I hope yall like."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Spirit of Hip Hop

Hip-hop is enjoyed by many but there are only few who really understand its power.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm Wild Like That

One of the best parts of Central Florida, in my opinion, is the wildlife. Yup! I love the animals I've seen here (I'm the guy that knows more about what's poppin' on Animal Planet than SportsCenter). There's an ill mix of North American woodlands and equatorial tropics (in laymens terms: the animals here are cool as Sh*%!). The palm trees and lizards make it seem a little exotic here but the opossum and deer remind me that I haven't gone too far. The pics below are just a few of the many animals I've seen so far....well I haven't seen ALL of these animals yet but wishful thinking will make sure that I do.

Monday, August 9, 2010

To be or not to be dope? That is the question...

Today's inspiration comes from the 90s. 1990 to be exact. A song from the Rocky V soundtrack called "Go For It!" MC Breeze on the track, remember that one? Watching this video reminded me how uplifting hip hop was in the 90s. I know, I know we can't go back and that time is over but it don't hurt to reminisce a little do it?

This song is inspirational in answering the question: to be or not to be?...Dope that is. The answer: HELL YEAH! Be dope, be fly, be cool, be whatever the hell you wanna be. Everything but a wannabe and just GO FOR IT!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What's The Big Idea?

Since I got my new computer I haven't found the time to reinstall Reason so I have been making beats exclusively on FL STUDIO 9 (version 9 is something serious, those of you still rockin with older versions, time to take it up a notch). Now there are quite a few producers/nay-sayers that still don't regard FL Studio as a credible DAW/Production program (not sure why though). Mainly because the stock sounds that it comes with are garbage (ok fine, good point).
Despite that minor issue, let us not forget how easily that problem can be remedied. Download some external VSTi's and add your own sample kits and "VIOLA!" problem solved. I personally think that FL STUDIO is a fully functional DAW (especially since they added microphone recording capabilities in version 8) and can contend with the best of them.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Just havin Some Fun!!!

So I'm in Orlando, FL now. How I ended up here? I don't know but in any case Im still making beats. I was playin around with a new concept. Its still in the early pahses. Its sorta techno-ish but I think this beats some bounce. What you think?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Element of Freedom

Hey guys. I know its been a while since my last post but a lot has been going on. I won't bore you with the details but to make it simple I've moved out of my old place in YBs spot (cause I need every penny I can save for the tour). I wanted to write this post because I been experiencing life in a new way. I left my job and started this new project, or way of life rather, and I have never felt more free. Almost every thing I do is about my music. Wow! From producing tracks, building concepts, spending hours upon hours in the studio, recording, mixing, tweaking, and even performing. The artists that I am working with are phenomenal. This is the element of freedom that I have been dying to experience.

Now don't get it twisted cause it ain't all glitter and gold yet but the essence of what I am fortunate enough to be able to be doing with my life is incredible. The material things haven't manifested far. I say this because I think it is important to believe in what you want and go after it regardless of money, credentials and what you consider lack. Just do it as best as you can, with passion, love & belief, the rest will fall into place.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

For my FL Studio heads!!!!!

This is a little showcase of this beat I made in FL Studio 8. The sample comes from Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong's "I've Got Plenty." I love jazz and I love the classics. I thought I would remake one of my fav's. The video quality ain't all that but you can click on my reverbnation link at the top the page to get the full effect of the song. What do ya think?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Press Release - Come Out and Support

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: NENELWA TOMI MARCH 16, 2010 NENELWA.TOMI@GMAIL.COM / 413-512-0745 Goucher College Presents “A Glimpse of Africa” on Saturday, April 17, 2010 Cultural Exhibition Will Raise Funds for Local Charities BALTIMORE -- Goucher College’s Programming Board is hosting “A Glimpse of Africa,” a cultural exhibition and fundraising event, on Saturday, April 17, at 7 p.m. in the Hyman Forum of the Athenaeum. This event is open to the public, but tickets are required. Tickets may be purchased for $3 at the door the night of the event. For more information, contact Nenelwa Tomi at 413-512-0745 or “A Glimpse of Africa” will feature vendors and performances by The Nu-World Art Ensemble, a community-based theater and dance ensemble that addresses important issues affecting youth; E the Poet Emcee, a spoken-word/hip-hop performer and social-change advocate; the Rhythm Step Team from Towson University; Nsomniak, a local musical duo that blends African sounds with contemporary hip-hop; and others. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will benefit Ivorian Hope Charities Inc., a Maryland nonprofit that provides humanitarian assistance, economic relief, and educational opportunities to help rebuild the Ivory Coast; and to the Community Organized Response (COR) Mental and Physical Fitness program, a Baltimore-based community organization that promotes health and exercise among young people worldwide. This event is sponsored in part by Goucher College’s Programming Board and the Social Justice Committee.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How cool is this?

This is why I love technology so much. From the first guitar invented hundreds of years ago, who would have thought this would be where we end up today? Incredibly fascinating. Can't wait to get one of my own. I wonder if you actually have to be good at the guitar to play this?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

J Dilla the Legend

J Dilla is one of my favorite hip-hop producers (may he rest in peace). James "J Dilla" Yancey was probably one of the most versatile, original, creative and brilliant producers I've ever heard. His music and ideas were pure genius and he continues inspire me as I create. For those of you that don't know J Dilla was the mastermind behind countless hip/neo-soul classics and produced for a plethora of artists from Common to Slum Village to Busta Rhymes to Dwele to Erykah Badu (you get the idea). With that being said I will leave you with a track he produced for Erykad badu. Im sure you heard this one before. Also if your a Dilla fanatic like me then you will be able to appreciate a recent documentary about his life that was made by Stussy Records. Check it out HERE. Hope you enjoy and feel free to let me know your favorite Dilla track(s). Peace ya'll!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Call me nerdy.....

But I can't help but think how cool this is. Who says there ain't a science to all this music production stuff? This guy built a Frankentein MPC, wtf? Pure genius!!!

Yes!!!! It's here!!!!

I cant wait to buy the new album from The Gorillaz, "Plastic Beach". Even if it's half as good as the "Demon Days" album it will be worth every penny. These guys are some of the most innovative and original music makers of my time. Their WHOLE style of music and its presentation is truly inspirational. Check out the a video from their last album and trailer for the new album. The trailer doesn't say much but at the very least the animation is DOPE!!! If you're not a fan yet, get hip. Peace!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

So I decided to start a blog...

Welcome. Why did I start this blog? I started this blog to talk about....a lot of things. Mostly music and art. There are many dimensions to me so some posts are gonna seem really...."out there"  at times, lol.

Anyway, for those that don't know me, I go by the name Osa the Healer (usually, but I'm accumulating more and more alias' like I'm part of Wu-Tang or something) but you can call me Osa. I attached "The Healer" to my name because that's what I love most about music. I think it has healing components to it for all of our emotions. We party to it, laugh with it, cry through it an so on. That's the same thing I like to do as I create my music. I'm a music producer whose first love is hip hop but I am inspired by all sorts of genres and music.

Speaking of inspiration I am inspired by A LOT of things. I will close out this first post with a video clip from a movie that inspired me to create a soundtrack to it. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for tuning in!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Who is Osa?

OSA is a cross-genre inspired music producer. He fell in love with telling stories through music at a young age. Lunch tables and countertops became his early platform for beat making. Raised in the Washington DC area, OSA sharpened his skills as an artist in Baltimore ("Charm City"). His music reflects his depth of thought and creativity, as well as his Nigerian and Jamaican heritage. OSA's musical influences include not only hip hop artists but also various musical geniuses reflective of his diverse taste such as Fela Kuti, Carlos Santana and Mozart.

His productions are seamlessly organic, as if birthed from the ground. OSA’s compositions, like seedlings, are raised with love and a technological precision that give them a uniqueness which can only be