Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dreamisode #1

Soooo Im transition from Florida back to the DMV so bare with me on the videos, it may be a while before the next one. Despite that minor setback there will be no shortage of dreams, lol. I will definitely bring you those as much makes sense to. As of today they will be called "Dreamisodes." Enjoy.

Lets get in to it. In the midst of all the other crazy dreams I have been having over the past couple days, last nights really stood out. I dreamed that I was on some type of field trip with some random people (I didn't bother to write down my dream when I woke so some of these details aren't clear). We ended up at some music store that resembled Guitar Center with some open floor format like an art museum. There was one section with an isolated MPC 500 that was so inviting. I started messing around and in a short time started a really dope beat. Then out of NO WHERE some dude starts playing a flute alongside my "drumming." This was all too cool cause 1. I don't even know how to use an MPC and 2. I was keeping a beat while dreaming WTF? These dreams are getting to be too real.

It made me think of this scene from Kanye's film "Runaway" which I will talk more about later. Please check it out if you haven't already it makes for some interesting discussion at the very least.