Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dreamisode #219

This dream was kinda random but cool nonetheless. It started off awkwardly with me waking up in a jungle. Then a gun was in my hand. M-16 or AK-47, not sure which but you get the point. As I was contemplating why I was holding a gun (a big ass gun at that), shots started firing in my direction from the thick of the jungle. I started shooting and as I began running I caught up with the rest of my team. We were at war. Didn't know why or with who but I knew I had to keep shooting or get shot. The battle was eventually over. We weren't dead so I guess we won. As we exited the jungle I realized that we were on an island.
I consulted with my comrades and we were to leave the island in the morning. Which meant I had one more night to be there. Didn't know what to do that night but before I could blink I was dressed for the club with two gorgeous ladies and one of my comrades. It was on and poppin! We were on a mission to find a dope spot to party. Came up to the club and we were skeptic but we decided to go in anyway. We were on an island so there was definitely island music playing. Dance-hall music on those big thumping reggae speakers in this large underground venue. Before we got settled in the club, we walked through at least 3 floors and heard 4 different songs (trippy part is that I heard each one of them distinctly and very intricately, I even wrote down "Sean Paul" when I woke up). SIDEBAR:Of all four songs that played I really enjoyed them and I could really feel the music as if I was awake and in an actual club. I also noticed that one of the songs was an instrumental that sounded like something I would produce cause it wasn't your typical dance hall joint. Its amazing how my brain works so intricately in these dreams, smh.

Anyway, we got to a certain point in the hall where we stopped and me and my comrade realized we came to the club with some really beautiful women (I guess we brought sand to the beach) and the women realized the same :) We started to feel the music and was str8 getting our dance-hall on. And that's how my dream ended.

Now you may be wondering how the hell my dream morphed from a war zone to dance hall (or you may not) but I know that if I was ever to live through a war, celebrating with beautiful women and good music would not seem like a bad idea. After all, music is the healer right?

As always, I appreciate you helping me interpret these dreams, thanks!

Reggz by Osathehealer


  1. 1st...war to dance hall is OD random! lol but yea, dreams are a phenomena that i can not seem to figure out. Dreams seems to be spawns of our subconscious, a higher power attempting to make us realize something, and the reactions of events we encounter in life.

    2nd... beat is dope!

    That is all


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